I started my last and final semester at Parsons two weeks ago and things have already kept me pretty busy. I've managed to keep my schedule reasonable this semester, especially knowing that I am going through pregnancy at the same time. After we started school, we already had Labor Day off and Rosh Hoshana off, so it is a slower start for those classes that fall on those days, but teachers have been generous in giving assignments in my other classes. I even had one teacher assign a big assignment that was due on the first day!
As with all semesters, the beginning is always a time for schedule changes. There are always students to register for classes late, or have to change their schedule for some reason. I really feel bad for these folks because they are playing catch-up, and unless the class is a little lighter on the work load, there's usually enough work from just one week to keep you really busy! I have always tried to avoid this by registering for classes the second that I am able to. This is the only way to ensure that you will get into the classes you want. A few second lag can mean that others sign up before you and that the class become full. At that point you'd have to either wait for someone to drop or beg advising to let you in over tally. Fortunately I've been able to avoid that scenario. I only had to add a class after they canceled one of my classes last semester due to low enrollment. Fortunately I was able to enroll in the same teacher's class on a different day.
This semester I did register for a class late. This is only because I had no intention of taking this class, and did not even know it existed until one of my classmates recommended it to me. It was just the class I was looking for to round out my semester of classes, so since it is my last semester, I decided to try and get it. It was a full class, so I would've had to deal with advising and all that, but after some patience, prayer and sheer luck, I logged on one more time before I went to the city to go to advising to find that one person had dropped the class! Lucky me! I was able to snatch that spot up immediately. This is a course that will help me create a business plan for a fashion business, but it's not the Entrepreneurship class that falls within the fashion school. That one did not get such good reviews, so I was looking for an alternative when the right one came along!
Signing up late means catching up on the homework and finding someone to be kind enough to send you the notes and syllabus. Most teachers do not like you to bother them for these things, so I was finally able to get notes from a classmate. I have one day to complete everything, though, so today is the day dedicated to finishing a lot of homework for the upcoming week so that I can stay on top of things. Things always take a lot more time than expected, but this time I am prepared for that reality. The only thing in my way is trying to organize my space so that I have work space for all my patternmaking/sewing homework, drawing homework, and everything I need to complete on the computer. Organizing supplies and making them all accessible in a NY apartment is a feat in itself.
I am excited, though, that this is my last and final semester. I have no idea what the future holds other than that I will be having a baby! It's not very realistic that I will be able to work on anything right away, so my focus will be on having a baby come next year. There is another girl in my class who is also pregnant and due 2 days after me! It's amazing how many people I've met and run into that are due within a few days or a week of me!
I am continuing to update my pregnancy blog if you're interested in keeping updated about my pregnancy. We found out the baby's gender and I'm starting to feel the baby move! How exciting!
I'm just hoping for an easy but rewarding final semester where I can have work/life balance and a healthy body for pregnancy. It's only 3 more months until the semester will be over!
I am on a journey to live a life I love and to fill my life with the things that truly bring me joy... my dream job, loving relationships, financial abundance, a healthy mind and body, and a deep spiritual connection with all that is. I am living consciously to create a life filled with all the things I love.
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