When you're a new mom, finding time to go outside and talk a walk is a pretty big deal. Especially with the winter weather, you want to take advantage of the warmer days outside. I find myself wanting to go outside as often as I can, but I always have to time it perfectly with the baby's feeding schedule, diaper changes, and my own energy level. When I'm sleep deprived, the only thing I can think about is taking a nap. A few days ago I was able to take a walk by myself to the park. My in-laws were visiting and looked after the baby while I was gone. I left right after I fed the baby and ended up taking an hour and a half long walk around the park. It was the first time I felt like I was getting some good exercise in. It was one of the first few days that I could actually walk at a normal pace after recovering from a c-section delivery.
Here are some photos I took at the park. The sun was starting to set. It was beautiful. I even managed to take a picture of a swan! When was the last time you saw a swan?
I saw this tree during my walk. It was carved with lots of names of people who have stopped by.
I can't wait for the weather to get warmer so that I can take more walks to the park with my baby!
I am on a journey to live a life I love and to fill my life with the things that truly bring me joy... my dream job, loving relationships, financial abundance, a healthy mind and body, and a deep spiritual connection with all that is. I am living consciously to create a life filled with all the things I love.
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