Have you ever noticed that when you go through a transition in your life, you also want a makeover to go with it? Lately, I've been wanting to change my hair, update my wardrobe and get a manicure. Since I've been thinking about this for the past week or two, I figure it's time to put these thoughts into action.
Haircut or Perm?
I've been on the search for a new hair salon in New York. My haircut is long overdue, and since I've managed to grow it out so long, I've been entertaining the idea of getting a perm. It's been at least 15 years since my last one, so maybe it's time to try it again. I think part of my desire to get a perm has grown from the hassle of curling my hair every day. Especially on days when I do not need to see anyone, I definitely let my hair be in it's natural state, which is straight, flat and with slight frizz at the end. This is why I curl it every day. It's not flattering to see my hair without the blowdry, curling, and hairspray, but this process can get lengthy and tiresome.
To make this process easier on myself everyday, I've been debating whether to get a perm or if I should just get a cut with highlights. Shorter hair is easier to take care of, but perms seem even easier. Shower, mousse, air-dry or blow dry. Done. Most asians that I've seen with perms have curls that are usually too small. I'm looking for the large curls that you get from using a curling iron, but want a permanent hair-do. Possible? I'm going to test it out.
I found a Japanese hair salon--I figure they will be familiar with Asian hair--very close to my apartment. They received good reviews on yelp and prices are reasonable, so I'm going to make an appointment. How exciting! Since they're close, if I like them, I can always go back for future hair cuts.
New Wardrobe
There's something about starting a new life, whether it is at a new job, a new chapter in your life, a new city, that seems to warrant a wardrobe makeover. Looking through my closet, I'm beginning to realize the rows of button down shirts and dress pants from my consulting days will not serve me in my new career.
During my last job, the dress was very casual, so I was able to wear jeans to work every day. How nice, huh? But now, if I want to work in the fashion industry, I feel like I should step my game up a little bit. Hmmm, but not sure how to go about finding good fashion on a budget.
As I was pondering this, I think the answer came to me yesterday. I found out about Diane von Furstenberg is having a sample sale that is being held for four days, starting yesterday. I am going to make my way over there sometime today or tomorrow. I'm hoping lots of good stuff my size is still on the racks for me to look through. This is the beauty of living in New York. You have access to the top designers' sample sales. Fun, fun.
Getting a mani/pedi is essential at the beginning of the summer, especially when the open-toed shoes start to come out of the closet. I've been postponing this ritual until all the cleaning was done at my home and my nails grow out, but I don't think I'll be able to wait that much longer, unless I want to hide in my close-toed shoes forever. I will probably make a trip sometime this week or weekend.
After this week, it looks like I'll be well on my way to a new me!
I am on a journey to live a life I love and to fill my life with the things that truly bring me joy... my dream job, loving relationships, financial abundance, a healthy mind and body, and a deep spiritual connection with all that is. I am living consciously to create a life filled with all the things I love.
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