The real beginning of my journey is about to begin. I will be starting my full-time fashion design program in a couple of days, and I've been warned again and again by staff, administration, and students alike that the program is very, very rigorous. And if you are doing the one year fast-track program, that it is truly "crazy." I'm not discouraged, though. I've done it before. 9 classes at one time, 2 graduate degrees at the same time. People told me it was "impossible" then and I faced a lot of skeptics along the way, but I completed a rigorous 3 year program and a 2 year program in a total of 3 years total. Anything is possible. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And if they do, don't listen to them.
It is what you believe that you can do that counts. I know I can do it. And my proof is that I've done it before. Sure, it was probably the most difficult time in my life in terms of work load, hours, and I sacrificed a tremendous amount of sleep along the way, but I learned a ton and would never take it back in a million years. We're all evolving and learning and adapting is essential to that process.
The time I am spending now is on preparing for the program. I attended orientations, made sure I was still registered for my classes, and figured out where all my classes are. In addition, I am making sure that I signed up for a payment plan and am making sure all the loans and funds come through to financially make this program happen. I am also organizing and cleaning everything at home so that I do not have to worry about searching for lost items. Utilizing time effectively is essential in this program. I've been warned. I've been warned. I know it can get crazy. Design school is much more rigorous than anything I've ever been through. In my opinion, design school was much more work and rigor than my MBA program, 10x over. And I was forewarned about that program too.
In the back of my mind, I do wonder... why am I doing this to myself again? And I have to gently remind myself that I am following my dream and following my passion. This will be what lights my heart on fire and I will never work a day in my life again...because I will do what I love and I will love what I do. Simple as that. I've already been working into the wee hours of the morning on all sorts of things I never imagined doing even a couple of years ago. Did I imagine that I would be putting content on three different blogs and two different youtube channels? Not a chance. Do I make money on them? Not yet, but hopefully they will. Whether or not they do, I just feel like I have to do it regardless. It's my contribution to the world at this time in my life when I am not working at a corporate "job" to contribute my talents.
It is here I contribute my thoughts, my lessons, and share the teachers I've discovered along the way. They have all been invaluable in my journey to discover myself, my true self, and to discover what my soul longs to do. I know I was born to be a designer. I love to create. I love to make. I love to work with my hands. I love beauty. I love learning new things. I love to share what I have learned with others. So here I stand at the onset of a new adventure that I'm sure will be one crazy ride, but I will love it every step of the way.
I am on a journey to live a life I love and to fill my life with the things that truly bring me joy... my dream job, loving relationships, financial abundance, a healthy mind and body, and a deep spiritual connection with all that is. I am living consciously to create a life filled with all the things I love.
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