I was listening to a video on youTube today on The Wisdom of the Heart's channel, and he was interviewing Nadia Kahlil Bradley, author of Origins of Truth. She said something during the interview that really rang true for me.
"Every change requires a million baby steps."
This really rang true for me because during the past few years, after I made the decision to live my dream life and have my dream career, I've gone through hundreds and thousands of steps that have helped me grow and get closer to my dream job. I had originally expected to identify EXACTLY what the job is (by the job title) and just go for it. This is the conventional way of thinking. But as I moved through this process of pursuing this new found career path, other passions of mine have come up and my original career path did not seem as appealing anymore. It's not just because the new found career path is not what I want. In fact, I found that it IS what I want. But I just don't want to work in the existing established industry in the way it currently is. I did not want to continue a crazy, hectic and stressful life only to be burnt out once again.
This time I am choosing a life of balance, of joy, and find a way to make money doing the things I love without being constrained with the ideas of how things need to be because this is how they were before. It is the advice of all those who do what they love and love what they do and are therefore really successful, happy, and never work a day in their life. I am going to live this advice, embody it, and see where it takes me. Even I can't dream up how great life will be. I'm sure it will be better than I could ever think up, as long as I stick with it and keep taking baby steps with the big goal in mind.
I believe the world is changing at a rapid pace, and if we follow our intuition, we will be guided to the best place for us. By following my inner guidance and my heart, I ended up going through many, many different steps, hoping to finally say, "I've arrived!" In reality, I discovered that there were many, many more steps to go and these steps could not be charted out in advance. They unfold as the previous step is completed by my actions and my commitment to move forward into the unknown.
This time, however, I know I am on the right path, and I am getting more comfortable with the idea that life will continue to unfold, step by step. If I want to speed up my process of living my dream career sooner, I must follow my heart with everything that I do. Absolutely everything. And it involves a "cleaning house" process, from my home (literally), to my finances, relationships, my closet, my electronic files, food in my kitchen, memories, attachments, and emotions. It is a big change to live a life that contains everything that I love.
I choose to no longer settle. Settling is a way for us to treat ourselves worse than we deserve. It is what we do when we are busy, lazy, overwhelmed, or too tired to really care about taking care of ourselves. If we start to live from our heart and embrace everything we love, we begin the process of changing our lives to one that we can fully embrace as being truly "us." It is through this process that we begin to uncover who we really are. Each of us is unique with our unique voice, our unique ambitions and passions, and with different things that bring us joy. Find that authentic part of yourself by letting go of everything that is no longer serving you and choosing to be selective about what you allow into your life.
I am deep into the process of cleaning up my life. In the next blog post, I will share a video I created about cleaning up my closet. It's amazing how many things I was holding on to that I did not like. How much simpler and happier life would be if we just brought in only the things that brought us joy. Can you imagine being surrounded by things, events, people, and a job in your life that were only the things you love? We can vibrate at the frequency of love, by choosing to love the things in our lives that already bring us joy. By choosing love with every decision we make, we will speed up the process of living fully in the life we deserve.
I hope that by sharing my journey I encourage you to keep on going. Things might take longer to change than you wanted, but just know that big progress is being made, even if you cannot see it immediately. It is a process that requires our commitment with every single step.
I am on a journey to live a life I love and to fill my life with the things that truly bring me joy... my dream job, loving relationships, financial abundance, a healthy mind and body, and a deep spiritual connection with all that is. I am living consciously to create a life filled with all the things I love.
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