I've taken this week to really slow down and catch up on sleep and cleaning in preparation for our move to our new home. I've been getting plenty of rest and taking vitamins to give my body a little boost. There's only a few more days until I start summer classes and only another week before our big move!
It really is amazing how much time you can spend on cleaning and organizing, especially if you've allowed things to pile up over months. I've been going through an incredible stack of magazines, tearing out images and articles that I like. After a while, though, even this gets pretty exhausting and I just want to take and dump the rest into the recycle bin. I honestly may do just that. I don't think I can spend yet another day pouring over magazines to collect inspiration. The right resources will come to me when I need it and I just need to let it all go.
As much as I feel like I'm not doing that much (compared to my normal schedule with classes), I realize how much has been accomplished in this short time. I think it's because when the pressure of deadlines is lifted, things get done with much more ease. I've managed to clean the home, including vacuuming, scrubbing the bathroom, wiping counters, doing laundry, and organizing my clothes. There's still more to go, but I've made some good progress.
I've also completed several initial health consultations with others for my health coaching program, and made progress on my own as well. I've started cooking some more and have resolved to really clean out all the remaining things in my life that are just weighing me down. Into the recycle bins they go!
The preparations for the move have been set, and we've even taken measurements of the new home to make sure our current furniture will fit. Some will have to be sold and left behind, but that was expected.
I even managed to run all my errands, finish knitting some baby mittens, write in my journal, organize all of my finances and pay bills, watch a movie, play with my dog, have dinner with my mother-in-law, and even meet up or catch up with friends over the phone (or skype).
It's really interesting what happens when you take some time and give yourself permission to do whatever you feel like doing. All of the things that have been pushed to the back burner all of a sudden start getting done. These things are important things too, but jut not as urgent as our usual pressing matters at work or school. What surprised me was that given a choice, instead of frolicking in the sun, I decided to clean and organize away. I guess the satisfaction from this cleaning process is much more liberating for me right now than going outside to play. I know I'll have plenty of time for that after the move.
We all need down time every now and then. Time to catch up on things that might be pushed off for another year if we don't give ourselves time to address them. I still have a long list of things to complete, but at least I know that I have a chance of completing them once and for all.
Do you have a list of unfinished items? Take some time to make a list and check them off as you go. You will feel so much better knowing that you took care of all the little things that have been nagging for your attention. And make sure to add in some fun with friends or family in there. It's easy to let life pass on by if we don't know how we want to spend our time.
I am on a journey to live a life I love and to fill my life with the things that truly bring me joy... my dream job, loving relationships, financial abundance, a healthy mind and body, and a deep spiritual connection with all that is. I am living consciously to create a life filled with all the things I love.
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