I am on a journey to live a life I love and to fill my life with the things that truly bring me joy... my dream job, loving relationships, financial abundance, a healthy mind and body, and a deep spiritual connection with all that is. I am living consciously to create a life filled with all the things I love.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Organic Vegetable Garden!

I planted my very first organic vegetable garden on June 12, which coincides with the first day season 6 of my 100 day reality challenge. I had been wanting to plan an organic garden since last year and have been dreaming about the day that I can properly do it and have one big enough that I can actually feed my family just from the veggies from the garden alone. I know it will be a while before that can happen, but in the mean time I decided I had to start and learn how to garden.

I don't get much sun inside our new home since the main window is north facing, but the plants get maybe an hour of sun in the morning, and they have still been growing! I've been so surprised.

Here's a picture of the organic garden after just 4 days after I planted it!

Here is a video of my organic vegetable garden at just a little over a week after planting!

I'm going away this long weekend, so I really hope our pet sitter will take care of the garden while I'm gone. I'm hoping to plant some more new seedlings so that I can eat from the vegetable garden in batches once they are all ready to harvest. Once I get back from my trip, I will also try to buy some containers so that I can transfer them outside! I'm assuming they will grow much faster with much more sun. Exciting stuff! I was worried since I haven't been known to have a green thumb in the past, but I guess these little seeds have given me more confidence to continue. How exciting!

Interviewed by Lilou about the 100 Day Challenge

Hi everyone,

I was interviewed by Lilou Mace, co-founder of the 100 Day Reality Challenge yesterday. It's interesting to look back on my journey and see everything that has unfolded during the past year and half since I started my first season. I am now on my 6th season. Here's the video. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Website Address

Hello everyone! I know it's been a while since my last post, and I was surprised to find that my domain name expired and someone else snatched it up! Can you believe that? Why would someone want to buy my name? So, since I no longer have access to that website name, I'm reverting this back to it's original blogspot address. Hopefully those of you who follow my website can find me.

Here's the new website address: http://christineykim.blogspot.com
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