I am on a journey to live a life I love and to fill my life with the things that truly bring me joy... my dream job, loving relationships, financial abundance, a healthy mind and body, and a deep spiritual connection with all that is. I am living consciously to create a life filled with all the things I love.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Trip to Central Park in New York

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I were checking out the upper west side when I decided that we should walk through Central Park to get to the the other side to the upper east side. We're fairly new to New York, so we wanted to see all the different neighborhoods in New York to figure out where we might like to live next year. I was expecting to see just a beautiful park with trails and trees and lots of people and grass. What I discovered was oh, so much more!

For example, as we set foot onto Central Park, we were greeted with a crowd that was looking at the ground. Curious, I looked over to find a beautiful display of cupcakes shaped arranged in the peace symbol around the word Imagine on the ground. Wow! The funny thing was, earlier that week, my husband saw Yoko Ono on the streets of New York.

Here are some photos of cupcakes!

Here are some shots of a wonderful little area within Central Park that we ran into with a fountain, boats, and entertainers. I later discovered that this place is called Bethesda Terrace.

Here is the video I put together of what I saw that day in Central Park. I address the viewers as "Co-Creators" because I created this video primarily to share with the CCOR (Co-Creating Our Reality) community that I am a part of. It's a group that uses the law of attraction and other practices such as meditation and journaling for 100 day periods to improve their lives. Hope you enjoy!


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